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Like. . .I So Don’t Get Fashion

Fashion to me, is when I match my clothing. I’m really much more of an L.L. Bean kind of girl. I like sturdy clothing that doesn’t really go out of style and is very comfortable. Emphasis on comfortable there. My two oldest daughters on the other hand, of course, like what’s in style. We have a few basic rules in our house, but otherwise, my husband and I are comfortable letting them wear whatever they want.

Letting our children wear whatever they want however, does garner us some very odd looks at times. On rare occasion it leaves passers by to ponder my parenting skills. For example, there was a period of time when my then 6 year old was good wearing plaid and stripes. . .because you know. . .they are both colorful.

Our rules include things like modesty and appropriateness for the event. I don’t want to see their belly buttons or their bottoms hanging out of their clothing and I don’t let my girls run around with shirts that say things like, “I’m a Diva.” But those are pretty much the only two rules. We even let our oldest dye her hair pink with a temporary spray (as in it washed out the next time she washed her hair) because well. . .why not? It’s just pink hair spray.

So I thought we were pretty “cool”. We get that clothing can be a form of self expression. I, more so than my husband, am good with that. (My husband is desperately working on being good with that though.) In any case, it has meant in the younger days, giving way to some very interesting ensembles. And I’m okay with that too. Interestingly, as my oldest daughter has grown, she always matches and she always looks pretty ‘smart’ unless, as she puts it, she’s having a ‘bum’ day in which she wears sweats.

However, I have been informed, as of 8:09 last night–that I’m not really cool. They love me but. . .well, I just don’t get fashion. It’s not just fashion that I don’t get though. It’s also tween speak.

Huh? They have their own language? No one told me this. Oh and do you know why I don’t get tween fashion? Fashiony (my daughter’s exact words) tweens don’t wear tights, they were leggings.

But it was a velvet dress with pearls in it. It’s fancy. It would look nice with tights and flats. I looked imploringly at my daughter. It’s a no go. . .so we settled on a skirt and leggings. I am wondering if I will be cool again when she’s 20?!

I’m guest blogging here today! But you can read my other blogs in the food, baby and homeschooling sections!