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Lindt Gold Bunnies Help Autism Speaks

Lindt bunny April is National Autism Awareness Month. It’s also the month that Easter falls into this year. You have probably seen lots of varieties of sugary, sweet, Easter candy in the grocery stores, just waiting for you to buy it as a treat for your children, (or, be honest, for yourself). Pick up one of the shiny, gold covered, chocolate bunnies made by Lindt, and Lindt will donate some money to help autism.

Lindt is a company that makes delicious chocolate candy and treats. The company has been a Master Swiss Chocolatier since 1845. They are the makers of those eye catching, delicious looking, chocolate rabbits that are wrapped in gold foil that you have undoubtedly seen in the grocery stores. In addition to the lovely chocolate rabbits, they also make chocolate covered cookies, and boxes of mixed chocolates. However, at this time of year, it’s most likely the shiny chocolate bunnies that are catching your attention.

Go ahead and give in to your temptation, and get a couple of the Lindt gold bunnies. Every time you buy a Lindt gold bunny, Lindt will donate 10 cents to Autism Speaks. Autism Speaks is the world’s largest advocacy organization. The partnership between Lindt and Autism Speaks is part of what Lindt is doing to help celebrate Autism Awareness Month.

Right now, Lindt has a selection of eCards that you can send out to your friends and family. They have eCards for Easter and Spring, and a card that you can send if you want to spread the word about Autism Awareness Month. The cards are absolutely free for you to send out. For every eCard that is sent out, no matter which design you choose, Lindt will donate $1.00 to Autism Speaks. These cards are a personal way to show your commitment to helping families who are impacted by autism.

Want to help out even more? Go to the Lindt page on Facebook, and become a fan, anytime between right now, and April 24, 2011. Lindt will donate $1.00 to Autism Speaks for every new Lindt Facebook fan. If you already have a Facebook account, then it will be very easy for you to do this. It costs you nothing at all to become a fan on Facebook, and it will send some money to a good cause.

Image by Asti Swastiani on Flickr