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Listen Up, Men – Flirt!

love We’ve talked quite a bit about marital intimacy over the last few months, and I have no doubt that as I talk to readers and listen to their questions, we’ll continue to discuss it. Intimacy is one of those topics that create a lot of discussion. Everyone has questions about it, concerns about it—whether they want to share them in public or not.

One of the things I hear most often goes something like this: “I wish my husband would flirt with me more often. He only turns flirtatious when he wants to be intimate, and the rest of the time, he’s not very interactive with me. I’d be in the mood more often if he’d pay me attention more often.”

I hope you men out there are listening—did you catch what I just said? Flirt with your wives! Not just fifteen minutes before you go to bed, but often. Grab her and kiss her when you come home from work. Wink at her across the dinner table. Give her a lingering kiss on your way out the door the next morning. Send her a quick e-mail on your lunch hour. Each of these actions takes ten or fifteen seconds, tops—such a quick way to invest in your relationship.

When you consistently show your wife that you think she’s amazing, you will find that she’s more content, she’s better able to face her challenges, and she’s more receptive to your romantic advances.


When a woman feels beautiful, it changes her entire world. She feels strong. She feels empowered. She has confidence. But she doesn’t need ten thousand men falling at her feet to make her feel this way—she just needs one. You. You are the man she wants to perceive her as beautiful, and if you consistently show her how beautiful you think she is by flirting and by flat-out telling her, you are helping her truly feel like a powerful woman. This, in turn, will make her feel more worthwhile as a person, and will make your entire relationship better, from the way you interact to the way you are intimate.

It’s so, so easy … and all it takes is a little consistent, sincere effort on your part.

Related Blogs:

When Intimacy Isn’t a Good Idea

Every Body is Different

The Language of Intimacy