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Literacy Links

Who can argue that literacy is one of the greatest blessings we have, one of the most important skills we need to learn, a gift that we give ourselves and to our children, and that helping someone else learn to read one of the most satisfactory experiences we can ever have?

The written word is an astonishing thing. You can become educated and entertained with a book, you can learn new skills, escape to another place, receive spiritual enlightenment, find friendship when you’re lonely — I can think of no other medium that can give us all these things.

As we continue to celebrate Literacy Month here at Families.com, I thought it would be nice to bring together a whole slewful of blogs that have been done about literacy and put them in one spot. Well, this is the spot! Happy browsing, and may your literacy month be full of great reads, sharing with friends and family, and the chance to share the gift of reading with someone who needs it.

Amazon Shorts: Quick Reads for Cheap

Reading is Fundamental (RIF) Reading Fun

Games for Reading

Reading Fluency

Not All Fiction is Fluff!

Reading Comprehension

How to Estimate Reading Levels

So, Just What is Literacy, Anyway?

Programs and Projects that Support Literacy

The Effect of Family on Literacy

Literacy Leaders

Ways You Can Help Spread Literacy

How a Good Teacher Inspires Literacy

Books for the Blind

A Changing Definition, a Greater Need for Comprehension

Best Places on the Internet to Buy Books

Literacy Series: Statistics on Literacy

This is just a small sampling. I encourage you to put in “literacy” and “reading” into the search engine and read more wonderful blogs dedicated to reading, one of the most important skills we could ever have.