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Little Girls Tutu Shirts

It’s almost Valentines Day, a perfect excuse to make cute little tutu dresses for my favorite girls! These are pretty simple and you can embellish them more if you would like.

2 1/2 yards of tulle in two different colors
a t shirt a size bigger than they normally wear ( I got these at Walmart and they are the softest things!)
scrap of fabric if you want to applique the heart on the front.

*Cut a heart to fit the shirt out of paper, use this as your pattern for the fabric, trace around the paper leaving about a quarter inch seam allowance.

*Cut around the heart into the seam allowance clipping every half inch or so to get the fabric to lay smoothly when you turn it under.

*Turn under the seam allowance and iron.

*Pin to the front of the shirt.

*Sew the heart to the shirt either by hand or with your machine.

*Decide which color tulle you want on top, this is the shorter layer, cut a piece of tulle 12” wide by 90” long.

*For the bottom layer cut a piece of tulle 14” by 90”

*Fold each layer of tulle in half then lay one piece on top of the other matching the raw edges.

*Pin together and using a long gather stitch sew across the length of your layered tulle, leaving the ends of the thread long.

*Pull one of the threads to gather the tulle, it will start to curl up like a tutu.

*Starting at the middle in the back pin the tulle to the right side of the T shirt-(it’s backwards in the picture, I realized and repinned but forgot to take another picture) this helps it poke out a little more and also hides your stitches, you want the shorter layer of tulle laying on the shirt.

*Using a zigzag stitch sew the tulle to the T shirt, the zigzag stitch allows the T shirt to still stretch.

That’s all there is to it. The longest part is getting the tulle the right length to go around the shirt. Paired with a little pair of leggings the girls are going to look so cute!