Despite the attempts to make society healthier, we still live in a potluck and barbecue society. Potluck has a lot to do with being too busy to fix balanced meals every night and always being in a rush. Part of fitness is keeping your body and mind on a healthy track. Sit down dinners are a healthy choice because you have to think about what you are preparing, put some time into the preparation and then you increase the benefits because you sit down together, share dinner conversation and strengthen the bonds of family.
Splurge Free
In our world of diet products where we look at the 1 calorie, the 0 carbs or the fat free and we hope, against all hope, that drinking diet drinks will make up for the malamars we ate on the run and the French fries we picked up for the kids and the five minute swing through the taco stand between soccer and dance – is it any wonder that we need to live less in a dieting society and more in a splurge free society?
Think for a moment, every day is a splurge. When every day is a splurge – it makes it hard to cut corners and trim back. I’ve described before that dieting is hard because dieting is about limiting what you eat – it’s about self-denial. We’re not a culture that embraces denial that strongly. We try to embrace denial, but between commercials, commercialism and advertisement being in your face – how can we not splurge?
Potluck is Not What It Used To Be
Do you know what potluck means? Potluck was a meal that invited everyone to make a dish and bring it to a potluck supper. The supper would be a gathering of family, friends, neighbors and more. Today, potluck means head into the kitchen, rip open a pop tart and you’re ready to go. When I was a kid, I remember there were many evenings when my parents couldn’t make a sit down dinner, but my grandmother always plated up the leftovers so all I had to do was set a plate in the oven to warm and there was a my dinner.
It was her homemade version of a TV dinner.
Yes, we live in a pot luck and barbecue society and there’s nothing wrong with that, if we take those into context and eliminate the splurge from our diet. What can you and your family do to become more splurge free?
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