I feel like I have been playing at losing weight. I’m on board one day. I’m weak the next. The next day, I am good again. It is time to get serious.
Excuses like I made last week, have to be a thing of the past. Procrastination is not my friend. A bad mood is not a good reason to overdose on chocolate. Having a good cook around is not a good reason to eat everything they make. If I am going to find my missing waist, I am going to have to be strong… very strong!
Exercise… well, that’s great to talk about, and sometimes fun to do… but I feel like I am all talk and no action. I have not done what I said I would. I have to force myself on my feet this week; no excuses!
Here are my stats this week (inches)
247 lbs bust 47, waist 43.5, hips 51, Thighs 44.5, single arm 14.75
There were no changes from last week, I am not surprised, considering the amount of raisin bread I consumed!
Here are my original stats:
Dec 20, 2006: 250 lbs bust: 50, waist: 46, hips: 53, Thighs: 47, single arm: 15
Question: This week I read in Woman’s World magazine that you could “Activate Your Skinny Gene” by dieting every other day. According to their article, you should eat normally one day, and then the next day eat half as many calories as it would to take to maintain your current weight. This is the only diet I have ever read about where the participants have lost 100 and more pounds without the “results not typical” disclaimer.
Meanwhile an article in First Magazine says that by just eliminating all transfats from their diet, participants have automatically dropped excess weight.
Has anyone ever heard of these diets before, or even tried it. How has this worked for you?