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Looking for Romance in The Wrong Places

nullSometimes we can look for romance in all the wrong places. Like this story of women who looked for romance in the toilet. This is not a joke, although it does have a humorous side to it.

This story, told me by a writer friend, is about a woman he used to know who had a free lending library in her toilet. Now before you get the wrong idea here. The space was there but the toilet had not been installed. Her husband, a long distance truck driver, had a habit of never finishing jobs he started. In their ‘unpainted fibro Housing Commission’ house, the woman put shelving in the little room space and filled the shelves with Mills & Boon, Harlequin, etc with which she started a lending library.

Now,I know there might be some out there that think the toilet is an appropriate place for these romance novels but the reality is these books sell by the millions. Why? Because women are looking for romance in their lives.

This woman wasn’t alone in craving romance. Women came and borrowed the books. The aim in reading the books ‘was to fill the romance hole’ left by their husbands in their lives.

Movies are another area where women crave romance. And don’t the movie makers know it? They target women with movies like Sex and the City and Mamma Mia and then Twilight for the under 25s. This has been followed by Bride Wars, New in Town, Confessions of a Shopaholic, and a host of other films aimed at women.

Instead of looking at these outside areas to provide us with romance in our lives or even looking toward our spouse to provide it, why not give them a helping hand. Add some romance by arranging a romantic evening at home. Either pack the kids into bed early or babysat with a grandparent or someone reliable overnight and plan a special evening at home of a candlelit meal with your spouse’s favorite dishes and soft music to dance to afterwards and see if it doesn’t spark romance in your marriage. If you have love letters from each other you might get some out and re-read them as a reminder of why you fell in love with each other.

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