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Looking for Signs of Spring

Spring is actually a couple of months off in Colorado. Yes, I know it’s March. But although we can expect some warm sunny days between now and then, the middle of May is actually our average last frost. And April is our typically our biggest snow month.
That doesn’t stop us from anxiously looking for signs of spring though. We’ve had a long, hard, cold and snowy winter. We are all ready for spring! Besides, it’s fun (and educational) to look for the signs.

So we look for where the snow is not as deep, or has melted away. We look for swelling buds on tree branches. We look for those first robins. We notice a change in the birds at our feeders. In our front yard, we find signs of life under the snow and leaves, plants are starting to green up. Children marvel at these seasonal changes, these wonders of our world. When they were smaller, we drew pictures of flowers, birds and sunshine.

At the park, a few kite flyers have returned. Today was warm and we even saw some people wearing shorts. The ice around the edges of the lake is melting, too.

We’ve all noticed how the days are getting longer. And at the store today we spotted lots of Easter Candy. Another sign of spring! The home stores are clearing out areas for spring bedding plants. And we saw racks of seeds for planting. We bought some basil seeds to start indoors since we are all big fans of pesto. I’m thinking of starting some morning glories, too. They don’t do well in the yard, but I think I’ll try to grow some on the patio. Mom getting bit by the gardening bug – always a sign a spring.

Looking for seasonal signs is an easy thing to do as you go about your day, running errands or driving to school. It teaches awareness and about our natural world. And I find that sometimes, it’s these little things that kids remember and cherish – just as much as the huge things.

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