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Looking Forward: A Public Plea

Welcome students! I’m so glad that you’re here for my little pep talk. No, there aren’t any cheerleaders with pom-poms or any banners for football players to storm through onto the field. It’s just me. Think of me as your teacher. Perhaps this isn’t that peppy at all but believe it or not I am. I’m very peppy. I’m very excited about teaching and I’m hoping you’re excited too. I bet you’re wondering whether or not I’ll be the “mean” teacher. I bet you’re wondering whether or not the class will be fun and entertaining and enjoyable. I’ve got some suggestions about what you might want to think about.

Are you wondering how much you’ll learn? Think about it for a minute. This really isn’t a stupid question. If you’re in college you (or someone who loves you) is/are parting with some sum of money. Don’t you owe it to yourself (or them) to take seriously the classes you are enrolled in for the upcoming semester? Aren’t you wondering how much you’ll learn? If you aren’t then shouldn’t you be? Now I know that for most of you I would be the instructor for that lone arts credit in the curriculum. Something you “have to” take. But I’ll bet you’ll get a lot out of that class (just like I got a lot out of geology and statistics my senior year of college).

And if you’re wondering whether or not I’ll be the “mean” teacher please realize that (to an extent) that depends on you. I’ve given “A’s” to students who thought I was “mean” and “F’s” to students who thought I was the fairest and best teacher they’ve ever had. I’m not saying you won’t have a bad teacher this semester (because you might) but you might also have a good one who you think is bad because they really want to (and can) teach you something important.

So this semester take it seriously. This semester learn all that you can. This semester raise your hand to ask questions and answer them. This semester do your homework on time, research for your final papers early, and don’t be afraid to talk to your professor after class. This semester think about how that acting class might help you in an interview and how that geology class might help you as an engineer. This semester read the syllabus. This semester be everything that you already are and strive for more. In short: Grow. This is my plea. Good luck!