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Lose Weight In Pairs

Everyone knows that motivation is key when you’re talking about losing weight. And let’s face it. . .staring at broccoli and asparagus tips for lunch and dinner all week is not exactly what I would classify as motivating. However, you stare at those broccoli and asparagus tips with a buddy and you have the recipe for successful weight loss.

A recent study showed that you are 5 times more likely to reach your weigh loss goal if you pair with someone who has similar weight loss goals. This means if you have 10 to 20 pounds to lose, make sure you partner with someone that has about that much to lose. If you partner with someone who has substantially less than you to lose, it’s easy to become discouraged because they meet their goal so much more quickly. If you partner with someone who has substantially more than you to lose, it’s easy to lose motivation because there’s no one challenging you.

It is also harder to lose weight with someone who takes a very different approach to dieting. If you choose the Atkins diet and are able to eat basically whatever you want except sugar and bread and your buddy chooses something like Weight Watchers Points where portion control is emphasized. . .this could be a recipe for disaster. Instead, try to find someone to be your weight loss buddy within your diet support group. This way, you can hold each other accountable to portion control and not cheating on forbidden foods.

There’s something about healthy competition and accountability that makes finding a weight loss partner a winning combination. With a partner who has similar ideas and goals you will get much farther than if you try to go it alone. So do your best to try and find your partner be it a spouse, a friend or just someone you meet at a dieting center. You’ll lose more weight more quickly if you work in pairs!

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