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Love Notes: Your Top Five Romantic Moments

One of the first things I saw this morning when I got up was a video log of the top five most romantic moments in movie history. Among those moments cited included the fire escape proposal in Pretty Woman, the moment when Rose is riding on the rail with her arms outspread, trusting Jack for the first time in Titanic and the scene where Demi Moore’s character realizes that Sam is really there in Ghost and she hears him say I love you and she says “Ditto.”

Romantic Moments

I have to say that I agree with their choices. Those are some of my favorite moments from cinema films celebrating romance and I know I could think of many others but I have a challenge for you instead. You can present this challenge to your spouse or you can just write it up for yourself as you like. So what is the challenge?

Make a list of your top five most romantic moments in the history of your relationship. You can write it up by hand, create a scrapbooking page from it or just create it in a word document (there are templates in word that lets you create a newsletter effect) and I’ve even done it as a brochure (word support this idea too).

You can give your spouse this top five list and include photographs or not if you have them. What is treasured about this kind of gift is that it is intensely personal and what you may view as some of the greatest and most romantic moments – your spouse may not and they may cite other moments. It’s a neat feeling when your spouse tells you about something that you may have considered perfectly ordinary, but that they consider extraordinary and wonderful.

For Example

I can think of several romantic things my husband has done over the years, one of my favorite happened when I was pregnant – I craved red meat massively throughout the first two trimesters of my pregnancy. Whenever my husband bought takeout, he always ordered an extra steak dinner, but he would stick it in the fridge to save for himself the next day. The next day would come and I’d ask him if he minded if I ate it and he never did – he was always ordering those extra steaks for me, but I didn’t realize that at first.

There are others, small moments, big moments and even the most incidental of gestures – a leather rose purchased on impulse at a renaissance faire, rubbing my lower back every evening during the last trimester of my pregnancy, coming home every night from a long day at work to take care of our infant while I got a few hours of rest and picking out a dozen different charms for my charm bracelet – each one specifically chosen for a passion or love of mine.

Tell me, what romantic moments can you think of?

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Love Notes: Romantic Locations

Love Notes: Do Something Different

Love Notes: Groundhog Day

Love Notes: Storybook Story

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About Heather Long

Heather Long is 35 years old and currently lives in Wylie, Texas. She has been a freelance writer for six years. Her husband and she met while working together at America Online over ten years ago. They have a beautiful daughter who just turned five years old. She is learning to read and preparing for kindergarten in the fall. An author of more than 300 articles and 500+ web copy pieces, Heather has also written three books as a ghostwriter. Empty Canoe Publishing accepted a novel of her own. A former horse breeder, Heather used to get most of her exercise outside. In late 2004, early 2005 Heather started studying fitness full time in order to get herself back into shape. Heather worked with a personal trainer for six months and works out regularly. She enjoys shaking up her routine and checking out new exercises. Her current favorites are the treadmill (she walks up to 90 minutes daily) and doing yoga for stretching. She also performs strength training two to three times a week. Her goals include performing in a marathon such as the Walk for Breast Cancer Awareness or Team in Training for Lymphoma research. She enjoys sharing her knowledge and experience through the fitness and marriage blogs.