One of the most important things we can do for our children is to love them. This may seem like an obvious thing. We all love our children. But do are actions, our words, and our attitudes reflect the love that you have for them? Your children’s security and self-confidence is wrapped in the way that they feel that you think about them. It is important that they know every day in nearly every moment that you love them. Here are four areas that you may want to reflect on how you react and show your love.
1) It is so important to think of the way that you communicate with your children. When you are having a conversation with your child, are you genuinely listening to him? Do you explain things to him so that he really understands? Is your tone appropriate or does it become loud or angry too easily?
2) Discipline is another area where it is vitally important to show love. It is important to stay calm while disciplining (I know this can be difficult). Additionally after you have disciplined your child, talk about why and explain that you still love her. Setting up boundaries and consequences is an important part of loving your child.
3) We all have the moments when we are extremely tired, irritated or sick. These moments are true tests for each of us. It is important to explain to your child how you feel and that you may need them to go play or do something else fun, while you get yourself together. As you explain calmly and control your temper, your child will not feel as though you do not want him around.
4) Another area to consider are the choices you make when it comes to spending your time and completing tasks around the house. Are you letting these things get in the way of showing your love to your children? This really can be a difficult balancing act, but you may find ways to include your children in your work or relaxation activities.
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