Cleaning bathrooms is never fun. I try to do it as seldom as possible, number one because I’m lazy, number two, it’s a bathroom, and it’s gross! I had to develop some habits that will help maintain my bathroom and stretch out the time between cleanings as long as possible. Here are some of my favorite ideas.
1. Use the bathroom fan, this will get rid of moisture which will cut down on mold and mildew. Moist places like bathrooms are breeding grounds for mold and mildew. If you have a window in your bathroom, open it, let in some fresh air and sunshine.
2. Hang a towel bar on the inside of the vanity door and keep a towel there to wipe off the sink and countertop after using. Train your family to wipe off the sink and countertops every time they turn the faucet off. Even they are hit or miss with this it will still make a difference in how often you have to scrub the sink.
3. Keep cleaning supplies under the sink. If you have an extra minute while you are in there you can clean the mirror.
4. Keep a squeegee and a spray bottle with vinegar and water in the shower. Have everyone one squeegee the walls when they get out and after your shower spray the walls and tub down with vinegar and water.
5. Leave the shower curtain open after your shower.
6. When I’m finished getting ready for work in the morning I dump some vinegar in the toilet, swish it around for a second and let it sit all day. I never have to scrub toilet rings.
7. Use liquid soap for the sink, it’s much neater than bar soap.
8. Keep a handheld vacuum in or near the bathroom to get the hair that seems to accumulate in corners.
9. Storage and organization! If everything has a bin or basket that it goes in to, preferably out of sight, then the countertop isn’t cluttered and the bathroom automatically looks cleaner.
There is no magic wand to clean your bathroom or any other part of your house but if you can find little things to do on a daily basis in each room, you can keep it neater longer. A neat house looks clean. That has to count for something!