Writing for magazines can be lucrative and rewarding. For the beginner it may seem somewhat intimidating to submit to big publications. If so, consider getting your feet wet with tips, jokes, short stories, and other fillers. Even if you are an experienced and prolific writer, submitting shorts and fillers is a great way to make some extra cash.
As always, you need to consult the guidelines and submit only the type of content requested. Submit it as directed and make sure you send it to the appropriate editor. It is also a good idea to review several copies of the magazine to ensure that it has not published similar content recently. Doing so is simpler and more cost effective if you choose those that offer an online version of their magazine. Buying dozens of copies of different magazines can get expensive.
There are many different sections in magazines for which you might submit fillers, such as helpful hints, household tips, consumer reviews, quotes, humor, and many others. They generally pay a fair rate for a minimal amount of copy. You can earn $25.00 on the low end and upwards of $100.00 on the high end for a minimal amount of copy.
Write tips, reviews, and other service pieces in a conversational rather than an academic tone. If you must use jargon, clearly discern the meaning of each term immediately after first use. Spell out abbreviations at least once, even if you believe them to be widely recognized.
When writing jokes and other humor items, be yourself. Write as if you were sending a note to a friend to tell her your funny story. If short stories are your thing, remember, “show don’t tell.” Use descriptive language to spark the reader’s imagination and also keep your writing tight instead of wordy. Don’t pad your work with unnecessary words in order to reach the word count. Add something interesting, turn it in short if it’s close, or submit it elsewhere.
While you won’t get rich or instantly become a household name writing fillers, doing so is a great way to keep your writing sharp, get paid well for minimal effort, and keep your name in front of the editor until you are ready to submit something more in depth.
*Check back for later for some markets that buy fillers.