Maintaining your home and its contents can be a lot of work, but it pays off in the long run. When you maintain the interior, exterior, appliances, and other items, you end up with fewer repairs and expenses down the road. Instead of huge repairs, renovations, or replacing things, along with the huge bills that come with these options, you can get away with spending a lot less time and money keeping things in good repair.
When you notice a crack, a hole, or other damage, repair it immediately. If pests are beginning to be a problem, don’t wait to call the exterminator. If you notice a leak or drip, fix it or have it fixed right away. Keep grass cut, trees trimmed, weeds pulled, gutters cleared, and overall keep the interior as well as the exterior clean.
When it comes to major appliances, a little maintenance can go a long way. Cleaning or changing filters regularly is important. Keeping coils and vents free of dust is also imperative. Maintaining appliances not only makes them last longer, it also helps them run more efficiently. It also pays to have a service person check out your units seasonally, especially if the service call is covered by your warranty.
Speaking of warranties, part of good maintenance is keeping copies of all warranties and registering products as necessary. It also pays to read and understand warranties and to seek any services you can while the warranty is still in effect. You might even want to purchase an extended warranty, although you should weigh this option carefully since some cost more than they’re worth, especially as your appliances get older.
Home and appliance maintenance may seem like a hassle or just another item on your never ending to-do list, but both are very important. What you do today will help you avoid more work and expense tomorrow.