As a single mother I try to remember every day that I am the example Hailey sees most often. I try to live a life that I want her to emulate. I want to be kind, giving, loving and have no bad habits that have a negative effect on my life or my health. Maybe in my next life I’ll be able to give up chocolate and diet soda but in this one I’m struggling!
We all have habits that we wish we didn’t and things we certainly don’t want our kids to pick up. Maybe you bite your nails when you’re nervous, maybe you yell when you’re angry, whatever it is, it’s important to recognize it and take steps to fix it.
Being aware that you want to change something is the first step, next comes the desire to change. Write down all the reasons that this habit is not serving you. Write down every little thing, no matter how silly it seems, this list is for no one but you. For me, when I bite my nails my hands look like a childs hands and not the mature woman I want to appear to be.
Change is a process, you are not going to be “fixed” overnight so don’t expect it. Set reasonable goals, share them with your children so they can see that even adults have things they need to work on. If everyone in your house yells, instead of yelling to tell the kids to stop yelling, talk about the problem, break it down and discuss how to fix it.
Write down what you will gain by losing this habit. This habit may be costing you money, it may be affecting your health or your relationships, take note of everything this habit affects.
Give yourself small rewards when you meet your goals. If you exercise every other day for two weeks, give yourself a small treat, it doesn’t have to be expensive, just something that you like, a book, a movie, a bubble bath.
Most of all, discuss the process with your children. Let them know no one is perfect, even Mom, but she is working, every day, to be better. Let them know how they can help you and you may inspire them to make some changes too.