The other day at the toy store I noticed a new toy. To play, you stick your hand in a small black plastic dome. The door to the dome is covered with strips of fabric so that don’t see inside. The toy also comes with small plastic objects, the idea being that you try to guess what object you are touching. I’m sure the prepackaged game is fine, but it’s so easy to make your own.
One of our standard Christmas party games is to guess what’s in the stocking. It’s a great game for utilizing your brain, and developing sensory skills. We are so used to looking at things, feeling them is a different way to identify. To hide your objects, you can turn a box upside down, or use a gift bag, or even a grocery sack, or an old purse, or a pillow case.
Then pick some items to hide. Consider the age of the child when you chose what objects you are going to identify. For example, an older child might be challenged by different types of change, but I wouldn’t put small coins in the hands of a two year old. And of course you shouldn’t put in anything sharp or breakable. I like to use everyday objects, particularly with younger children. Things like a toothbrush, a crayon, a spoon, a mitten, a sock, and a familiar stuffed animal. Younger children may need a few hints like “it’s something you use for your cereal”, or “it’s something you wear on cold days”. For older children you can use a hard candy, hair barrettes, different coins, a roll of tape, a bottle cap, a large paper clip (small ones just get lost), sidewalk chalk, or just about anything you have in your purse or junk drawer.
There are a couple ways to play this game. You can put in one object at a time, or several. One at time is easier. If you play with multiple items, you can make the goal to try to find a certain object.
I think you’ll like this game. Not only is it free, but you can pull it together just about anywhere so it makes a good emergency toy for traveling or visiting.
Also See:
An Anytime Anywhere Game