If you don’t have a video camera, see if you can borrow one. If not, make an audio letter for distant family and friends by having your child speak into a tape recorder. Receiving notes, cards, and letters is nice, but hearing and/or seeing the people you love is extra special.
Start by having your child write down things he or she wants to say. It’s easy to forget even important items, when one steps before the camera or microphone. Your kids can use note cards, or give the cards to you, so you can prompt them if needed. Tell them not to worry about making mistakes. No one expects the tape or film to be perfect.
If your child did well on his or her report card, have your child hold it up. Get a close up of it for Grandma or Uncle Jim. Have your child show off other awards, new toys or clothes, or something he or she made. Let your kids talk about daily events too, like school or sports. Distant friends and love ones will feel more like they are a part of your child’s life.
Another fun idea is to have your children write a play and act it out on film. Have your kids write a script, make costumes, and choose a director. They will have a great time and grandparents, relatives, and friends will love it. Include these special videos with others you make throughout the year during birthdays, holidays, school pageants, or other events, or send them separately when nothing much is going on but you want your children to feel connected to those they don’t get to see very often.
You might also want to give your children a turn behind the camera, with adult assistance and supervision, of course. Who knows, your child might just have a future in film!