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Make Dreaded Jobs a Cinch!

My son has always hated having his fingernails cut, and toes are even worse! It was one of those things that could never be a one person job at our house. It took both of us holding him down and even then it was a struggle. The first nail clipping after we split I thought I was going to die. How in the world was I going to do this alone? Well I have the answer to this and many of your other questions right here.

Scraggly fingernails are much easier to deal with when your child is distracted with something else. Put on their favorite show, read a story, make it a game. You can even make it into a song. “This is the way we cut our nails, cut our nails, cut our nails. This is the way we cut our nails so early in the morning!”

For little girls who run whenever you pull out the hairbrush, get them a doll that has long hair that they can brush at the same time. Spray some “no tangle” spray in their hair to help ease the tangles. Start working the brush through the ends of the hair rather than at the scalp. That way they don’t feel you pulling the knots out.

Brushing teeth is another common battle. Try taking them to the store to pick out a fun new toothbrush. You can even try one of the spin brushes if you think that will get your child more excited about it. For older kids you may want to get one of the mouthwashes that shows all of the germs they missed. Kids think that is pretty cool! For your littler children try talking to the germs. “I’m gonna get you germs! I’m not gonna let you put holes in Jessie’s teeth!” You can even have them brush your teeth while you do theirs!

Another thing my son used to hate was taking his temperature. He could not hold still long enough for us to get an accurate reading for anything. If they are unsure or afraid of it, try taking your temperature first so that they know it is ok. Logan likes to watch the numbers go up. It keeps him focused long enough that we can actually get a reading now. If you are still having trouble make it into a game. Even if only one of your children is sick grab a thermometer for all of them and let them compete in the “thermometer races.” The kids will love waiting to see who’s starts beeping first!

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About Sarah Williams

I am a single mother to a sweet little 4 year old boy named Logan. I am almost done with my degree in Elementary Education and have loved every second of it. I love writing for Families.com and hope to be able to help other single moms through the difficulties of raising a child on your own.