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Make it a fast easy trade

Don’t be afraid to make your first trade. If you see someone’s wishlist and you have the coupons they are looking for, you also see something they have, and you want it – go for it! Here are some tips on making a fast, easy trade that should get good results.

A trade usually shouldn’t take more than 3 or 4 PM’s (between both parties).

1st PM: When contacting someone, you want to fist tell him or her what you have from their wishlist. Type the specific coupons you have for them, including the value, any size restrictions, how many the coupon is good on, the expiration date and any other information that might be important. This way they can be sure they are getting what they are asking for. Also, if there is more than one coupon, type each product on a different line. This makes it easier to review and read.

Next, tell them what you would like in return. If they have posted a haves list, it’s best to copy and paste straight from the haves list. If they didn’t post a haves list, let them know what your wishlist is, so they can check and see if they have what you are looking for.

2nd PM (their reply): When they reply, they should let you know if the coupons you had requested are still available and if they wish to go through with the trade. If they don’t wish to trade, they should let you know the reason why. If they need to make any changes in the original PM, you sent they could do that also. If the trade sounds okay to them, they should PM you back with their address and let you know when they will be mailing out their envelope.

3rd PM: If they have accepted your trade, PM them back with your address and let them know when you will be mailing out their envelope. If they have made changes, you can accept either the changes or withdrawal from the trade. If you accept the changes then email them back with your address and let them know.

This is just the standard format of making a trade. Some trades may take more PM’s than others may. Other trades may take less. The point is to have fun and save lots of money!

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About Jody Connolly (Benjaminna)

I am a married SAHM of five (and one cat)! My oldest daughter is 12, a diva ready to take over the world. My 10-year-old son, my informer, loves to make sure everyone is doing what he or she is supposed to (although he is no angel). I have an 8 year old daughter, who is just one of a kind. My 2 1/2 year old daughter, her own little personality is shinning through, and so are her terrible twos. And last but not least, my 1-year-old son, who is just the happiest and most content baby in the world. Things I love to do: coupons, rebates, read, color with sidewalk chalk, blow bubbles