Many states require drivers to have current auto insurance coverage. Honest people will follow the law and purchase car insurance coverage. Unfortunately, some drivers in Detroit may have ended up buying fake auto insurance from a very dishonest person. Check to see if your policy is real.
Your state probably requires all drivers to be covered by auto insurance. This means that you must purchase it in order to comply with the law. Without it, you could be in for some big trouble if you ever are pulled over by a police officer.
Even if your state doesn’t require you to buy car insurance, it is still a very good idea to have it. If you end up in an accident where you are at fault, your insurance will pay for the damages that happened to the other driver’s car. If you live in a state with no-fault auto insurance, and get into an accident, then your policy will help pay for the damages to your car.
Many people shop around for a low cost auto insurance policy. Those that are not knowledgable about how to tell a good car insurance company from a bad one could end up with a problem. Such is the case for some drivers in Detroit right now.
The Michigan Office of Financial and Insurance Regulation (OFIR) wants drivers in the Detroit area to know that they may have purchased fraudulent automobile insurance policies. What company did your auto insurance policy came from?
If your policy came from Al Barak Enterprise, in Southfield, you may have fake auto insurance. A man named Shaker Uddin Sadeak, who is an unlicensed insurance agent, has been selling bogus certificates. He was telling people that the certificates came from a legitimate insurance company. The OFIR was made aware of this after a driver who bought a policy from Shaker Uddin Sadeak noticed that his insurance certificate had misspellings and other discrepancies.
The OFIR wants drivers to realize that the policies they bought from Sadeak are fake. You may think that you bought car insurance coverage, but in reality, you have not. You are going to need to buy auto insurance from a legitimate company as soon as possible.
One way to avoid getting tricked by dishonest people when you buy auto insurance is to ask the insurance agent to show you a copy of his license before you purchase the policy. If the agent refuses to show it to you, this is a sign that something isn’t as it should be. You can also use the OFIR website to check on an insurance agency that you are considering.
Image by Bernt Rostad on Flickr