Here’s some food for thought the next time you decide to lace up your sneakers and head out to burn calories in the fresh spring air: Fitness experts say walking is a good form of exercise… provided you take 100 steps per minute.
A new study shows that the 100 steps per minute pace is vital for those who want to reap the most benefits while hitting the pavement. Experts say, ideally, the pace should be intense enough to produce sweat.
While some walkers use a pedometer to keep track of how many steps they take, experts say the device gives no information on how intensely they’re exercising. In order to get in a moderately intense workout, a person’s heart rate must increase to a level that improves physical fitness. According to researchers, for that to happen, most men need to walk at a pace of 92 to 102 steps per minute, while women must complete between 91 and 115 steps per minute.
In addition to walking at least 100 steps in 60 seconds, experts recommend that adults complete at least 30 minutes of moderate activity, five times per week. This can be achieved in two ways. The first option is to complete all 30 minutes in one session, which means taking a minimum of 3,000 steps per session. The other option is to break those steps down into several shorter exercise sessions throughout the day.
“Because health benefits can be achieved with bouts of exercise lasting at least 10 minutes, a useful starting point is to try and accumulate 1,000 steps in 10 minutes, before building up to 3,000 steps in 30 minutes,” the study’s lead researcher noted.
Researchers say the best way to achieve 100 steps per minute is to purchase a simple pedometer and a wristwatch.
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