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Make Time For Each Other

In all marriages it is important to make time to be together, alone- away from family and friends. It doesn’t matter whether you’ve been married a long time or only a short time, whether your have a family or not. We need to take time just to spend together, enjoying each other’s company and connecting.

Too often, work and family pressures can stop us from spending time together. It is too easy to get caught up in the busyness of life and neglect what, after our relationship with God, should be our most important relationship, that with our spouse. They are the one we have committed to for life and we need to make time to be with them and to do all to bolster that relationship.

Yesterday was a day date for my husband and me. Since he has retired, it’s fun to be able to ditch everything else and take ourselves off for the day. Sometimes that’s not so easy, when I’m involved in writing projects and working to a deadline, which my dear one understands. As a result, whenever it is possible I happily drop everything and take off for a day date.

With the sun gloriously shining yesterday, we decided to take such a day date for us to enjoy being together.

We drove down to Ulladulla and browsed around the shops and had lunch overlooking the harbor, before traveling further down the coast to Batemans Bay. After a walk, we found a charming coffee shop with art adorning the walls, althought the art could compete with the beauty of God’s creation and the water views.

As you can see we didn’t do anything special. It wasn’t a particularly expensive day (although we did buy our first Christmas present.) But it was relaxing, refreshing and we enjoyed being together, talking and laughing.

When was the last time you and your partner had a date? If it’s been a while, why not set a time now for one. Here are suggestions for inexpensive dates.

When we were younger and lived in Sydney, we used to catch a train into the city and go window shopping because we didn’t have the money to do much else. It didn’t matter. We enjoyed being together, When you’re with the one you love it’s not about what you do but about being together.

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