Sometimes people can become those caught up in the busyness of life and work situations and doing things that they forget to be intentional about their marriage. What do I mean?
All their intentional energy goes into other stuff like career, family or social activities and pleasure. They never take the time to stop long enough to make that time together to talk about their marriage and work though what is happening. They never stop long enough to ask, ’How is our marriage going? Is there anything that needs to be changed? Is there anything that is not working for one or the other of us? Is there anything we can do or should be doing to improve our marriage?’
A young married couple I know is making sure they do not fall into the trap of coasting along in their marriage. Together they are working through a book called Marriage for God. They are regularly reading a chapter together. At the end of each chapter there are questions to read, reflect ion and to talk about together. This young couple goes through these things tend then takes time to pray together. This is their way of being intentional and making sure their marriage is working and is the best it can be.
Other couples have chosen to go back to marriage refresher or marriage improvement courses. Sometimes it comes in a weekend away run by organizations like Marriage Encounter. I know many couples whose marriages have benefitted from just such a weekend away with Marriage Encounter or some such similar retreat idea. Why?
Again it comes back to the same reason, that of setting aside time to invest in their marriage. It is about being intentional about making time to be together and talk about their marriage, what is working and what is not instead of just coasting along expecting it will all work out somehow.
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