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Makeover – Shannon Guymon

makeoverMakeover” is a new LDS young adult novel by author Shannon Guymon.

Sophie Reid has waited faithfully for her missionary and now it’s time for him to come home. She spends hours making the world’s greatest poster and goes to the airport to meet him, sure that her future is set in stone – a diamond, that is. Blake begged her to marry him soon after his return, but for some reason, there’s a gorgeous brunette also waiting at the airport. Turns out, she was a sister missionary serving with Blake, and they wrote to each other after her release. They’re now engaged.

Hurt and humiliated, Sophie goes home to cry her eyes out. Her friend Jacie suggests a plan to make Blake regret ever having dumped her – not that Sophie wants him back now, but she wants to make him sorry.

When Sophie meets Sam, the nephew of her stepmother, she doesn’t expect to like him. After all, her stepmother stole her father away from the family. But Sam is wonderful and saves her from an awkward situation with her relatives. There’s just one problem – his ex-girlfriend is . . . well, she’s nuts. She believes that she and Sam should be together forever, and she gets a little violent whenever someone suggests anything different.

Meanwhile, Blake has seen the error of his ways and keeps coming over to see Sophie, begging her to give him another chance. She wants nothing to do with him, but he’s just not getting the message.

Sophie is put through the wringer when it comes to romance, her family relationships, and most particularly, her interactions with her grandmother, who has always treated her as if she’s beneath contempt. She gets the chance to exact her revenge, but she also gets the chance to reconcile and make things right.

Set against the backdrop of a hair salon in Alpine, “Makeover” is a cute story and you’ll enjoy it. I did find some of the typical editing errors – repetitive words, etc. – but it’s a fun read overall.

(This book was published in 2007 by Bonneville Books.)

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