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Making a Ring Garden – Part 2

As promised here is part 2 of the ring garden project started yesterday.

In your compost heap will go green clippings from the yard, leaves, vegetable and fruit peelings, (only not onion or potato peel) and egg shells. Add a little compost maker which can be bought at any good gardening store or nursery. A sprinkling of compost maker every ten inches of compost material is a good guide. This will help the compost break down faster. Water well.

Once the compost begins to break down lawn clippings or a compost bucket kept inside for peelings once a week will keep it fed. Water the pile for around 15 minutes throughout the season.

If the compost heap begins to look a bit flat, dig through with fork to aerate, before you add any more material

You can start to plant your garden when the compost heap has reached around two and a half feet high.

The trick with this ring garden is that plants are planted more closely together than you would normally plant them in a garden. This helps to shades the soil as the plants grow, helps retain moisture and helps retard weeds.

At the beginning stages, get rid of any odd weeds that do pop up, but do not mulch as mulch could well interfere with the nutrients coming from the compost heap to the plants.

As soon as the ground and the compost heap are ready, you can start the early spring plant. This might consist of a packet of pea seeds. These will be planted around the centre ring so they can grow up the wire.

A packet of cress seeds can be planted around the peas and a packet of radish seeds scattered throughout the garden. Cos lettuce is also a good choice at this point around the edge of the garden.

Join me tomorrow for part 3 as we really get busy in the ring.

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