Whether or not you have pets of your own doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy the wildlife around you! You can turn your backyard into a mini-refuge for local wildlife who may be losing their regular habitats to development.
First, ask yourself a few questions:
- What kind of wildlife do I want to attract? Are you interested in birds or butterflies? Do you want bug-eating guests like toads and bats?
- What kind of wildlife already lives in the area?
- What kind of plants can thrive in my yard?
- How will I provide food for the wildlife?
- How will I provide water for the wildlife?
- How will I provide shelter for the wildlife?
- Are there any limitations on what I can plant? If you live in an apartment, for example, you may need to restrict yourself to a container garden.
- What local predators may cause trouble?
Once you’ve got a plan of action and a target wildlife species to attract, you’re ready to start research. If you’re hoping to attract birds, for example, start looking at what birds already make homes in your neck of the woods. Learn about the types of nests they prefer, and what they eat. Look into predators (like cats) and food competitors (like squirrels) and ways you can keep your feathered friends safe.
Next it’s time to take a look at your budget. If your funds are limited, it’s time to get creative! Ask friends, family, neighbors, and coworkers if they have any garden stuff they want to donate (lots of folks have outgrown stacks of flowerpots that are just too small for their plants, or extra tools). Maybe you can’t afford that fancy birdbath — but you might be able to buy a cheaper version or make one on your own. Shop sales and haggle for the best prices on NQP (not quite perfect) products.
Chances are, you’ll need to save some funds for buying plants and other food for wildlife.
Turning your green spaces into a welcome refuge for wildlife will give you and your family a chance to observe nature at its finest. Even a small space (like an apartment’s patio) can attract birds, butterflies, and other small critters.