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Making Babies or Making Love?

You and your spouse have decided it’s time to start a family. Congratulations! There is no more profound experience for husband and wife than becoming parents together. Getting there can be an experience all its own, which is sometimes quite enjoyable, but may also become rather stressful for some.

If it doesn’t happen right away, one or both spouses may begin to feel pressured to make it happen. In many cases, the timing just isn’t right but it will happen. If you are seriously concerned, consult with a medical professional. However, try to relax and realize that there is a process in which everything has to work perfectly at just the right time. It may take a while to hit all the right notes, so to speak.

In the mean time, don’t lose sight of your love, or your lover. Don’t start looking at each other as tools by which to become pregnant. Remember to keep lovemaking fun, exciting, romantic, and pleasurable. Don’t let it dissolve into mechanics. Don’t make it feel like work, just because you are working toward a goal.

If you or your spouse has become overwhelmed throughout this process, take some time to nurture each other and let things proceed more naturally. While you might be absolutely obsessed about becoming pregnant as soon as possible, it’s important to keep your spouse’s needs and feelings in mind as well.

RomanceUse your charm and your sense of romance to make sure your spouse feels like your lover and not just a baby maker. Keep things very sensuous between the two of you with frequent soft touches and whispers, massages, and gestures.

Try to avoid making things too routine. Even if certain routine elements are more conducive to becoming pregnant, try to mix up the rest of each lovemaking session to keep things interesting and to take the focus off the goal.

Things happen when they are meant to happen, so live each moment from now until then to the fullest.

Best wishes!