It is important to remember baby’s needs when planning for emergencies. There are a couple of different approaches you may choose to take in order to provide for baby when it is most critical. You may choose to store ready-to-eat baby foods, but you also may want to know how to make your own baby foods from other stored items. The ingredients for these foods generally store longer than the canned baby foods, and of course they are more versatile. Things like rice, wheat, and dehydrated vegetables can be used for making baby foods and in cooking meals for the rest of the family as well.
Food mill
For making your regular table foods into pureed baby foods, a baby food mill is a great tool. Keep this item on hand and you will find it useful for everyday use as well as emergency situations when you cannot go to the store to buy jars of baby food. Check out this article for a very inexpensive, hand-powered option.
Baby food recipes
When baby is just starting on solid foods, it is important to follow allergy-conscious guidelines, even in emergency situations. Introduce one new food at a time. Check back to the be prepared blog for some baby cereal recipes using whole grains that you can also store for general cooking purposes for the whole family.
Use dehydrated foods
Reconstitute dehydrated fruits and vegetables by soaking them in water according to manufactures proportions of fruit to water. Blend the fruit, vegetables, and water until desired consistency and add more liquid (such as breast milk, formula, or juice) if needed. If a blender is not available, a hand-powered food mill is a good option.
Related articles:
Homemade Baby Food: It’s Easier than You Think
Food Storage: Storing Fruits and Vegetables