At a Glance
Product: Fractazmic
Age Level: Grades 1st thru 8th
Cost: $6.95
Use: Card game to encourage math skills related to fractions, numbers and measurement.
Compatible Homeschool Method: Any

What is Fractazmic?
Fractazmic is a card game for 2 to 4 players that reinforces math skills related to fractions, numbers and measurement. By the makers of I See Cards, this game comes with 60 cards divided into three decks differentiated by color.
The Twelfths suit – Blue
The Tenths suit – Green
The Sixteenths suit – Red
There are many ways to play the game but the basic way is to gather up hands by combining different cards of a suit that add up to one. (Hands are defined as a set of cards which add up to 1.)
What I Thought:
Fractazmic is a fun way to reinforce fractions in a low pressure environment. A great tool for students just learning the concept of fractions. The game can be used by one student to illustrate the concept of whole numbers. The visual use of these cards makes it a fun to use during fraction presentation. The game play is fun and the pace will be determined by how familiar the child is with the concepts of fractions. It is a treat to see your child get faster the more she plays. I also enjoyed being able to play with my 1st, 6th, ad 8th graders without the awkwardness of it being too hard for one and too easy for another. While, it was easy for my older children it retained the fun and the usefulness. My 1st grader did not find it as easy but enjoyed the challenge of figuring out how to make hands. So everyone was happy and that does not happen normally unless ice cream is involved. For under $7.00, I think I’m investing in more fun educational card games.