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Making Friends as a Single Parent

When going through a divorce, a number of things happen. For instance, you find yourself living alone or looking for a new place to live, you are required to spend your time differently with the children, finances can become more challenging, and your schedule is not overflowing with responsibilities. Another huge change that occurs after a divorce is that instead of hanging out with current, married friends, you soon find that you do not fit in.

As a single parent, you will likely discover yourself in the need of new friends, people who are also divorced and in need of support just as you. Remember, you desperately need good friends for support, laughter, and a social life. Making a new set of friends can be challenging and even frustrating at some point. However, once you begin to build your friendship, you will be glad you did.

An excellent way to make new single friends is by getting your children involved with sports, dance, or other activities. Many times, other single parents are doing the same thing so as you sit and watch your child, you can also introduce yourself to the other moms. In addition, if you decide to join a local gym or take an aerobics class, you will likely meet other moms in your same situation.

Obviously, it is important that you meet friends doing the things you enjoy. For instance, if you are a bicyclist, then look for a local bike club attended by other single men and women. If you love to dance, then find single’s dances in your home town, another great way to meet both men and women. Regardless of what you enjoy, focus on it so you find someone who shares the same interest.

Gradually, you will begin to make friends, which might mean you coming out of your shell a little bit by letting down your guard. Unfortunately, divorce can build walls but if you are going to make new friends, you have to open up. As you begin making friends, your next goal will be to become even closer friends. Although your children will be your number one priority, you still need to make room for you.

Keep in mind that just as you expect your children to choose their friends wisely, you too need friends but the right type of friends. When someone asks you to do something, if you can, go and enjoy. Invite new friends over for dinner or take two hours out of your weekend to see a movie. Friends are a vital part of life and as a single parent, a necessity.

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Balancing Life as a Single Parent