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Making Health Resolutions

It is that time of year again. The time when resolutions are made in regards to health and well being. Most of these resolutions center on weight loss. Any diet started in 2011 was abandoned by the beginning of the holiday season. It takes will power of steel to last through Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year’s, without breaking your diet. The season is filled with temptations and we are willingly low on willpower. Instead of our diets waiting until Monday they now are on hold until the New Year. Well, the New Year is here and before it becomes the old year you will need to be purposeful with change to see results. In a world where resolutions are meant to be broken how do we stay true to our resolutions about health in 2012?

Resolve to Determine Your Goals

When I first embarked on losing weight my husband told me that losing weight for a dress was not a real goal. He told me if that was my goal it would surely fail. I thought he was wrong and I set out to prove it. I proved I was wrong. Your goal should be concrete but not for a trivial purpose. A dress is not enough to make a life change. Even if you succeed and fit into your dress again, you need a bigger goal to maintain your success. For instance, my goal is not to need cholesterol medication since high cholesterol runs in my family. My husband suggests picking a sport or an activity where you can rest your goals and weight loss will become the by product not the object.

Resolve to be Purposeful to Your Health

Your primary concern should be your overall health. Make your health your focus not your waistline. Look at your family history and see which diseases or ailments you need to guard against. Your health is important to your family. Your children need a healthy active mom with enough energy to keep moving. Your husband needs a healthy wife who he can rely on. Your health is connected to those who love you and the best gift you can give them is the best you that you can give.

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About Richele McFarlin

Richele is a Christian homeschooling mom to four children, writer and business owner. Her collegiate background is in educational psychology. Although it never prepared her for playing Candyland, grading science, chasing a toddler, doing laundry and making dinner at the same time.