What is LinkedIn?
LinkedIn is an online networking site for professionals. It is not just another Facebook or Twitter. LinkedIn boasts 100 million members who are interested in professional connections. Those on LinkedIn are business owners, CEOs, writers, those looking for a job or those offering a job and more. All of them gather to share ideas and opportunities. LinkedIn is where you talk shop. This is your virtual water cooler without the gossip and with all the knowledge.
How can LinkedIn benefit your business?
Connections: People are more likely to work with those they feel are friends. I know that I have given my business to online friends and offline friends in the past based on our relationship. With a LinkedIn profile your visibility and connections increase and with recommendations you will grow a solid reputation which will garner you more work or business.
Advice: You can get advice from experts and professionals. Obtaining knowledge from the source is valuable. Online connections make it easy to get advice from a wide audience in the field you seek.
Website Promotion: You can promote your website through your LinkedIn account. On your profile there is a place to add your blog and business website. Do not neglect this part of the profile as it will enhance your page rank and your sites visibility on the net.
Branding: Ah, branding the all important goal which allows you to be seen and known for your business. If you do not have a brand then get one. If you do then promote it. LinkedIn is just one more avenue to solidify your brand.
The Competition: Scope out the competition. Know your enemy. Well, we need not be so dramatic. Actually your competition can be an asset as you can gauge the market, see what works, and often you will find your enemy is happy to give you solid advice and recommendations.
I highly recommend you visit LinkedIn and start a profile. I have a friend who lost his job and found one in record time due to all the recommendations and connections he made through LinkedIn. LinkedIn can be one of the most important networking steps you take in your business.