No, this post does not feature tips on dowries; rather, it will hopefully help debunk myths that many people have regarding monetary wedding gifts.
Some individuals staunchly believe that it is tacky or lazy to give newlyweds cash in lieu of an item listed on their wedding gift registry. According to wedding etiquette experts, cash is actually a very practical wedding present, in more ways than one. For starters, unless it is culturally acceptable, most couples can’t get away with requesting guests give cash-only as a wedding gift, so by taking the initiative to present money as a gift you are doing the bride and groom a favor. In addition, you also benefit by not having to spend hours shopping for a gift. What’s more, by giving money as a wedding gift you help newlyweds who are trying to eliminate debt, save up for a down payment on a house or are eager to start their life together on sound financial footing.
That being said, it is wholly inappropriate to turn your wedding into a fundraising opportunity. Wedding etiquette experts frown upon the tasteless tactic of using wedding invitations or social media platforms to spread the word that you want guests to cough up cash as a wedding gift rather than purchasing traditional presents. Also, keep in mind that if an invited guest is not able to attend your wedding, he or she is not obligated to send money or any type of gift. According to experts, the only time a gift is required is if the guest is attending a bridal shower, in which case the purpose of the shindig is to “shower” the bride with gifts for her new life.
Finally, it is a myth that guests giving cash as a gift should provide enough to cover the cost of their reception dinner. Guests should never be expected to subsidize the cost of a couple’s wedding ceremony or reception in any way. If you are expecting your guests to provide cash gifts in certain amounts, as payment for their presence, then you should reconsider the purpose of your union, or at the very least reevaluate your wedding budget.