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Making text easier to read on your monitor

Operating System Required: Windows XP

In one of my earlier blog entries I discussed computer eye strain and some simple and easy ways to help reduce it. This will help prevent sore eyes, headaches, and the aching neck and backs associated with prolonged computer usage.

Today I will be helping the families.com readers who have both Windows XP as their operating system and use a LCD monitor. If you have a CRT monitor (Cathode Ray Tube, the “TV” type) this may help you a little but this is mainly for Flat Panel and laptop displays.

Microsoft provides us with ClearType Tuner PowerToy. This is a quick and easy download that has brought joy to everyone I have shared it with so far. Most people I know tend to read a lot on their computers. This improves how the text will look for you on your monitor and also reduce eye strain.

Go to Microsoft’s website here.

1. Click on the download link and save the target.

2. If you aren’t sure where to save it, select your desktop so you can find the file easily.

3. Click “Run” on the download dialogue box, or double click the setup.exe file on your desktop.

4. Click “Run” again on the Security Warning if it comes up.

5. When the Install Shield window comes up, click the “Next” button.

6. Click the radial button to accept the license agreement. Then click “Next”

7. All right! You are ready to install. Click the “Install” button.

8a. Clear Type has been installed on your computer. Make sure the check mark is selected and click the “Finish” button.

8b. In your control panel (start button > control panel) you can access the ClearType Tuning whenever you have the need in case you can’t run the wizard right away or need to adjust the settings. This is the classic view.

8c. Or if you have the category view select Appearances and Themes and there is that icon again.

9. Once you pull up the ClearType Tuning window, select “Start Wizard”

10. The next steps I can’t show you. You need to view the text options and select the ones that look best for you, on your monitor.

11. Once you finish click “OK” And you are set.

And there you have it. I think you’ll probably agree that the text you read will look a lot cleaner. See steps 8b and 8c if you need to go back and change your selection. If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to ask.

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About Scott Dimeler

Scott is writer, a graphic artist, a web designer, and sometimes marketing guy. He has attended Penn State University and has held a number of jobs in the last seven years within the topsy-turvy tech industry. He currently lives with his yellow lab Boomer and the two silliest cats ever, Cheese Curl, and Gizmo in Central Pennsylvania. He has a deep love of everything scientific and technical but also likes to embrace and express his artistic side. He is an avid gamer and enjoys sci-fi and fantasy books and movies. He likes to travel and spend time with his friends that are scattered thorough out the country. Being laid back and always the person his friends and family turn to for technical advice, he has decided to broaden the range of people that he can help here on Families.com. He always tries to stay away from any sort of techno-babble or at least explain it in a way that everyone can understand easily. He would be happy to answer any questions you may have and looks forward to hearing from you all.