Working from a home “office” can be isolating–without coworkers and colleagues right down the hall or across the room, it can be tough to remember how important networking and mixing with other professionals and community members can be to keeping a career alive (not to mention just expanding your sphere of influence). Of course, it will depend on the type of work you do–but whether you are working in sales, providing a service, or producing a product, networking is a useful activity.
The fact is, it just takes more effort to leave our home office, get a baby-sitter, or juggle all the other responsibilities and activities we’re already managing to get out and meet and mingle in the “work world.” It’s not quite as breezy as just stopping by the “after hours” event after work on the way home. But, the extra effort to get out and network are almost always worth it and can pay off in our building our businesses, making more contacts, and establishing a more professional reputation.
With all the focus on the everyday details of running a business and a family, you might not even be aware of all the networking opportunities available. Some individuals find it helps to join one organization–a professional business group, a leads group, the chamber of commerce–just one organization focused on professional development can be a boon to your networking. One of the challenges is finding meeting or gatherings that work with your schedule. Fortunately, there are now meetings from quite early in the morning (some breakfast “leads” groups meet at 6:30 or 7 in the morning) to midday lunch meetings, to after work “cocktail hour” meetings. Most chambers of commerce offer all sorts of classes and networking events at a variety of times and days.
Another source for networking opportunities may be a small business administration or small business support from you local community college–these organizations often offer mentoring, classes, and networking events geared toward encouraging and supporting small businesses.
Just because you work from home and operate a home business, doesn’t mean you have to be stuck at home–get out and meet and mingle–your business and our own personal development will thank you!