Today, as I was looking around online for fun and interesting home – based business opportunities I came across something that made me chuckle. It’s no secret that many home – based business opportunities are aimed at women – Mary Kay, Avon, Party Lite and Scentsy to name a few.There are also plenty of gender – neutral business opportunities available through companies like Amway, Herbalife, and Melaleuca. Today I came across the first home – based business opportunity that I have found which is aimed squarely at men. The company is called Man Cave, and yes, it is a real company and not a joke. The guys who created Man Cave appear to have a good sense of humor, which I appreciate.
How do you get the guys to come over and see your stuff? Invite them to a MEATing – that’s what Man Cave home parties are called. What exactly does a MEATing entail? Eating meat, of course, as well as drinking beer and checking out fun games and products.
Man Cave is social selling for guys. Guys who love to grill. Guys who love to get together with the guys (or the guys and girls) for a barbecue. Do you dream in Bratwurst? Man Cave offers 32 flavors, along with flavored peanuts, jerky, and other snacks. Grilling tools, games, and some other fun items round out the selection. Man Cave is a fairly new player in the home – based business opportunity marketplace but it looks like it could be fun for the right person.
If the things that you have just read about have you wondering whether you could be the next Man Cave Guide, grab yourself a cold one and visit the Man Cave website to learn more about their fun and interesting direct sales opportunity. Now for the disclaimer – Man Cave has not compensated me in any way for mentioning their home – based business opportunity here. I do not personally endorse Man Cave or any other home – based business opportunity because I have no personal experience with them.
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