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Marketing Your Home Business

No matter what type of home business you run, marketing your business is important if you want to see it grow. So here are some ideas on how you can do this.

You first want to have a quality resume available. You can research ideas on how to create a resume or even pay a professional to do it. Just be sure that it is professional and clear-cut. Think outside the box when it comes to your experience and skills.

You also want to make sure that you keep your resume updated. As you gain new experience, skills or jobs you want to be sure to add them in right away. This way your resume is always ready to go at the snap of a finger.

A portfolio is another way to market your work. This may include examples of things you have written (for instance, if you are a writer) or pictures of things you have organized (for instance, if you are a professional organizer). Samples are a great way to visually show off your skills and work.

A website is another great way to market your business. Making it professional but suitable for your business is the best way to go. You have the option to include your resume right on your website, along with a digital portfolio.

Depending on your business, you can implement a blog that you regularly update. Since I work as a freelance writer, my website contains a blog that I update each week. It is all about living your dream and how to make it happen. If you are a Pampered Chef Representative, you might put pictures of your recipes right on your website. There is so much that you can do with a website.

Another way to market your business is to create a flier or business card. This should provide contact information but shouldn’t contain too much information. It might just include your name, website, email and phone number.

Of course we can’t forget social media. This is a wonderful way to market your business, utilizing sites such as Facebook, YouTube, MySpace, Twitter, Digg and StumbleUpon. There are so many more.

The next series of blogs will tackle each of these marketing options in more detail. Until then…get your marketing think cap on.

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