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Marketing Yourself for Your Job

I’ve never been much of a salesperson. Once I had a job in a department store at the jewelry counter and I quit after just a few days. Sure, I didn’t hold down jobs for long when I was in high school, because there was just too much else to do, but I also didn’t like the job because I felt I had to sell. It’s tough for me to try to sell people something that they may not really want. What if they get stuck with it once they’ve made the purchase? What if it really wasn’t exactly what they needed?

Yet lately since I’ve opened my own business I realize the need to sell. Not my products or services, but myself. And this relates to those of you looking for a job as well. As business owners or as job seekers we must learn to market ourselves.

This can be tough to do for many people. Those who are shy or uncertain about their qualifications will have a more difficult time telling someone why they are so great and so perfect for the job than those who are more comfortable, social and outgoing around others.

So what are some things that you can do in order to market yourself , whether you own a company and need to sell your products and services to others or whether you are out there hitting the pavement looking for a new job?

1) Create a list of your strengths or your company’s strong points. What makes you unique? What makes you perfect for the job, or perfect for the prospective client’s needs? Why do people need you?
2) If you are going out to discuss a job with a potential client or employer, take a few moments to go over what you will say. Talk out loud. People might think you’re strange, but oftentimes what we hear will stick in our heads and make it easier to get it out when we are in the interview later.
3) Create a journal of things that you want out of the new client or new potential employer. Now, what do you have to do to make that happen? Not just land the job, but you may have to read up on certain things, create a better portfolio or develop a new resume suited for that position. Do these things before you head out, as they will make you more comfortable when you begin vying for the position.

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About Kathy Murdock

Kathy Murdock owns Kinetic Solutions, a marketing company located in Orange County, California, that provides graphic and writing services to new and emerging companies. In addition, Kathy writes for Allbusiness.com, the Toledo Business Review, Body-Philosophy.net, and Buy Owner, as well as other freelance venues. She lives in Southern California with her gorgeous husband, two beautiful daughters, and her insatiable appetite for all things travel, artistic, and chocolate.