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Marriage and Property Rights

The following is a quick guideline to marriage and property rights as set forth by most states. Because not all states have the same marriage and property laws, I strongly encourage you to look up you individual state laws regarding this topic before making and financial or life changing decisions around marriage and couple ship.

Basic benefits applying to taxes:
If you are married you may file joint tax returns, which can allow for a larger refund or less to pay out. Under the current federal tax laws, married couples can divide family income between family members, and use this as a tax write off.

Property and material benefits:
As some famous comedians like to talk about, getting married entitles your spouse to half of everything you own. This means that when you die, your property and all material possessions, assets, and etc, will pass directly to your spouse unless you have made other plans through a will. However, this also means that your spouse has every right to contest whatever you leave to another family member or charity, or even your cat! (And they don’t have to pay taxes on any of it…)

If your spouse becomes unable to make decisions regarding their health or assets, the authority will defer to the wife or husband, automatically.

What about Social Security? Assuming there will be any left when you or your spouse retire, you will both receive your social security until one of you dies, and then if there’s any left over it will automatically go to your spouse, usually, however, there is simply a one time death benefit payment of a mere $250.00, so check with your state regarding the exact law. This applies to all government benefits, including military or public help. Remember, they will inherit your debts as well, unless you have specific insurance for paying off your debt when you die. This is a good reason to have mortgage insurance and death benefit insurance, especially if you think you may be leaving a slew of hospital bills.

Another property benefit that’s pro marriage? You can live in family planned neighborhoods. These are privately developed neighborhoods which are determined to not grow beyond the capability of supporting single family dwellings-you’ll see no apartments or condos in this neck of the woods. You get to be exclusive.

Other reasons to get married include the ability to take out a protection order for domestic violence if you are married and needing it. However, this law has been amended in many states to include live in couples. You can also sue someone if they accidentally kill you husband or wife, more so than if you are the child or cousin of the deceased. Also, you too can receive crime victim’s compensation if your spouse is involved in a crime (which they did not commit) and as a result misses work or is otherwise incapacitated.
Then there are the non-property laws which include the ability to get health benefits through your spouse’s employment, discounts on school related costs such as tuition, and getting family rates on loans.