Marriage is a time for a new beginning. It is a time when individuals will need to find their way and a time for new life to begin as well. If you have struggled with going to church prior to getting married, now may be the best time for you to get back into church. There is much to be learned and gained from being a part of a community such as a church. Now that you are married, it is even more important for you to return to church.
Why Go Back?
With a new life ahead of you, you will need guidance and reassurances to help you through this new path. Everyone finds themselves with questions like why, how and when. The answers to many of the questions that you have can not possibly come from people but they can come from a higher source. For that reason, visiting and being an active member in your church can make all of the difference in your new life.
If you plan to have children, you will want them to grow up within a home that is dedicated to church. You do not want to wait until your child is old enough to know where you are going because then they have already seen that you are not dedicated to it. Instead, you should go before you conceive and work on building a loving and open relationship with church before you bring a child into this world.
As you explore your new life together, there are bound to be times of frustration, anxiety and worry. It is very hard for anyone to work through this type of problem on their own but many times confiding in friends and family is more harm than good. Yet, having a church community to go to and to work on your problems can actually make them less difficult and help you to find the solutions to your needs.
Ultimately, the decision to go back to church once you are married is yours to make. You can not and should not be forced to do so. But, it is important to realize that the choices that you make now will affect you throughout your life. If you are ready to begin providing a loving home that is dedicated to the church, then now is the time for you to get back to church.
If you are struggling with your faith, or are having worries about how you and your new spouse will explore your faith, one of the best things that you can do is to talk to your pastor or another member of the church. Be frank and ask them just what it is that you will gain and why you should return to the church. Find out what will be entailed in doing so. Then, take the time to tell this person about your reservations and to allow them to work with you on them. They will not force you to rejoin the church as this would completely be opposite of what it is about. But, they can offer you an inside look at why you should or should not return to church.