You knew I’d have something to say here. Yesterday’s election and votes on various measures was considered controversial going in and didn’t fail to deliver as voters made themselves heard on a variety of issues. Three key votes in three different states that I was watching.
The first in South Dakota was the ban on virtually all abortions. It was defeated. In Missouri, it was the measure backing stem cell research. It passed. Finally, the voters in Arizona rejected the amendment banning gay marriage. Yes, it looks like the other states might be close to passing those measures, but I’ve yet to see the full results, yes that does mean 20 states have amendments or laws banning gay marriage on the books, but I’ll take my wins where I can get them.
So Why All The Fuss?
Sherry makes a good point in her Marriage Debates: Ballots Banning Same Sex Marriage blog today about the Democrats sweeping the Republicans while at the same time many conservative measures were passed. I don’t think it’s because the country is looking for moderation so much as they are tired of being afraid. They are tired of being angry and they are tired of having to point their fingers at other groups to say this is what we’re afraid of, this is what we’re angry about.
Yes, it’s a referendum on the current government, but that’s what an election is. It’s a referendum every single time that either expresses confidence or displeasure. It’s one of the beauties of the American voting system. It’s also one of the frustrations.
There are going to be recounts. There are going to be political pundits on both sides of the aisle making their suggestions and their criticisms. Some Republicans are saying the Democrats didn’t win. The Republicans just lost. Call it a potato, call it a potahto, call it what you want. We go on, we accept the vote and the ones that we don’t like, well the activists will keep campaigning, some laws will be challenged in courts and still others will just sit there unchanging for a while until another election or even another generation comes along.
So hats off to everyone who voted, as far as I’m concerned, yesterday was a win for all of us no matter where our political beliefs lie. We don’t have to agree to appreciate the system and we don’t have to have the votes to call it a win. My husband registered to vote because of this Election Day, something he’s never had any interest in doing before despite my own political leanings.
But today, it’s November 8 and we’re counting down the days till Thanksgiving, so take a moment to let go of any anger or frustration left over from yesterday and count the things you can be thankful for whether it was the voting, the results or the challenge it gives you for your own personal causes!
Have a great day!
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