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Marriage is Give and Take

Marriage requires give and take from both parties. Sometimes that may mean doing something you are not overly fond of because your spouse wants to do it. Other times it may mean reaching a compromise.

This week My Sister’s Keeper started in Australia and I wanted to see it, because I loved the book. It is one I often use as an example of point of view and using different characters to tell a story. The other reason was because I was reviewing it for the media section of families.com.

Even though he admitted he wasn’t that keen on seeing the movie, Mick agreed to come as he knows I hate going to the movies on my own, whereas he has no problem going on his own. Yes I could have asked a female friend but I thought he’d appreciate the movie once he saw it.

So we ended up making a day of it and had lunch out something we hardly ever do. Neither of us could remember the last time we’d done that.

Anyway as you will see from the review he found it a very good movie with a strong story and brilliant acting. After we traveled home and throughout the rest of the day, we talked about the issues and themes raised in the movie. I told him a little more about the book as the movie doesn’t always closely follow the book.

The interesting thing we’ve found is that often we when we put ourselves out for our spouse and do something they want to do, both of us end up enjoying the time. This is what happened when I went with him and saw Wolverine, Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull, and The Dark Knight because I knew he really wanted to see them. He could have gone on his own but it’s nice to do things together. Each time we found plenty to talk about afterwards, so that’s good too, since communication is an essential component in any marriage.

Marriage is not meant to be one sided but a partnership and a relationship of give and take.

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