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Marriage is Like the Sea

Marriage is like the sea. Sometimes it is placid and smooth without any ripples and waves hardly to disturb the surface. Maybe even a little boring, because it is so calm.

That’s what it was like this morning when Mick and I went for our morning walk along the beach. But it’s not always that way.

Living close to the beach, we get to see the sea in all of its moods.The other day the wind was up and churning the waves. In what is a rare occurrence for our usually sedate bay, surfers braved the chill to ride the big waves. Marriage can be like that too. At times we just simply have to ride out the difficulties and the waves.

Other times it feels like the problems and hassles life throws at us are like giant waves about to swamp us and send us spluttering for breath. It’s at times like these, we really need to cling together in a marriage and not try and be independent or think we don’t need the other person.

You know the old saying about ‘a problem shared is a problem halved.’ It’s certainly true in marriage that it helps to have someone supporting you and sharing the load. It helps to have someone to talk to, to pray with, and to simply uphold us when we are feeling weak, vulnerable and threatened.

The other things I noticed were the seaweed and shells washed into shore and left there when the waves receded. Sarcastic and harsh words and arguments can be like that in a marriage. There is a residue of hurt feelings and anger left behind. It takes a lot to wash some of those things away and start over.

The sea is there to be enjoyed. That’s why people love going to the beach and why we love just walking along the beach in winter. Marriage is to be enjoyed too. Let’s each endeavor to take care of what we have.

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