Sunday is often called the day of rest and for many it is a day to go to share a breakfast, a sermon at Church and even a lunch afterwards. It is a day many families spend together whether in search of religious pursuits or simply enjoying the quiet time after the hustle and bustle of the holidays followed by the crazy days of Christmas shopping. It’s important that you take these quiet days and embrace them with everything you have. Over the next few weeks, the quiet days will be the ones that are few and far between.
Our Week
Today marks my return from vacation – did you know I took last week off? It was a great way to let my brain refresh after months of writing day in and day out. I love what we do here and today, though a day of rest is a day of work for me – at least for a couple of hours this morning. Our week off here included coping with a bad head cold in our daughter – she was miserable sick, but my husband and I spent a lot of time in the evenings trading off so that she got lots of tender loving care and we spent a lot of time watching movies, snuggling and occasionally doing the Christmas crafts.
Deck the Halls
We’re going to be spending a part of our day pulling down all the Christmas decorations from the attic. The two of us have been batting ideas back and forth to each other about how we will deck the halls out in order to make the yard and the house more festive. Already there is a homemade wreath decorating my daughter’s bedroom door. She is beyond tickled at the fact that she got to make her own wreath. The day after Thanksgiving, my nephew and my daughter spent about two hours decorating their own wooden ornaments to hang on the tree and they did a beautiful job,.
My husband is already anticipating spending an hour on the roof hanging lights and he’s debating that we may do the lights a different way and one of the things we’ve discussed instead of outlining the roof is to outline the windows around the house and to keep the decorations a little less neon in their festooning of the house and more.
It’s Christmas time everyone and this coming month will see celebrations of Christmas, Kwanzaa, Solstice and Hanukah – I can’t get more excited if I tried. My daughter wants something set up something that honors all of the major holidays including a birthday cake for part of our Christmas celebration – I’m good with that, I love the idea of celebrating the various nuances of the holidays – so we’re off and running here, how is your holiday planning going in your household?
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