Always try to treat your spouse in a way that makes him or her feel like a person worthy of great esteem. When you love somebody, their sense of worth should be just as important to you as your own. Remember that this person you share your life with is a unique and wonderful individual with exceptional qualities. If not, you wouldn’t have married him or her.
Also remember that you are just as exceptional and that you are worthy of love and happiness. You are not “nothing” without your spouse, no matter how great a team the two of you make. You may feel as if you can’t live without the other person, but you have worth as an individual as well. Never lose sight of that fact.
Your worth is not measured by your spouse’s opinion or by the success of you marriage. It is measured by who you are, the inner person, your soul, your capacity to love; not your position, your title, or another person’s vision of you.
Help your spouse understand his or her own value in the same way. While you may be seen as the perfect couple, you also want your spouse to be known for his or her exceptional qualities, and you for yours. Is he a great artist? Does she have a fabulous singing voice? Is she amazingly intelligent and intuitive? Is he? Is he the warmest, most compassionate man you’ve ever known? Tell him or her, and also share these things with others.
Show pride in your husband or wife and let everyone know his or her worth to you. Knowing that the person you love feels this way about you strengthens one’s confidence and sense of self-worth. Build your spouse up and help him or her to recognize the wonderful person you see.