When you say things that are mean or hurtful – just saying you are sorry does not make it better. In fact – no matter how you apologize for hurtful actions – you can’t take them back. Far too often we say thoughtless things or we commit thoughtless actions and while we may never have meant to give offense or hurt someone else’s feelings – inevitably we do and you can’t just take back that action – you can’t undo it and make it as though it never happened.
So What Do You Do if You Can’t Take it Back?
Just because you can’t take it back, doesn’t mean you can’t affect a repair to the damage done during the course of the relationship. In fact, repairs are something married couples perform every day in order to recover their marital equilibrium. For example, during a tense exchange over the finances –one of you cracks a joke that elicits a smile from the other.
That’s a repair.
You and your spouse are both over tired and working long hours. You’ve had very little time for each other amidst your family, home and career obligations. You find yourselves snapping at each other more than conversing. In the middle of one such exchange, one of you takes the fall and says: you know, you’re right – I am a thoughtless jerk.
That’s a repair.
Repairs Are Vital to the Success of a Relationship
Repairs are when you defuse the heated emotion and offer entreaty to cease conflict. Whether you do it through a joke, accepting responsibility or through an apology – one makes the repair gesture and the other must accept it. It’s a mistake to think you are always the one who must cave because a repair cannot work if the other married partner doesn’t accept it.
So perhaps you can’t take back a thoughtless action or remark, but you can repair the damage that is done. You and your spouse probably make repair attempts and acceptances all the time – as you may well know it takes both of you – one to offer and one to accept. How do you and your spouse offer repairs?
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