Courtney and I have been working overtime to keep the articles and topic coming. Our readers have been working overtime to keep the discussions going through the comments. Thank-you to everyone who inspires us!
Monday, February 4
What’s Up with All the Matchmaker Shows?
In this article Courtney addressed reality shows and their tendency to want to set people up as couples.
How Couples Communicate
This article discusses the various ways that couples talk with one another. Some communication is carried out verbally while at other times couples communicate nonverbally.
Tuesday, February 5
Mixing Politics and Marriage
In this article Courtney takes politics a step further. She examines more than just the politician, she looks at the couple.
What Does He Do That Drives You Crazy?
No one is perfect, not even our mate. At times we may do things or have little quirks that drive our mates crazy. What is yours?
May I Have This Dance? Dancing and Couples
Dancing is a great way for couples to bond. Dancing can be sensual and romantic. Many different types of couple dancing classes are offered.
Are Little Fibs Harmless?
Some mates are known to throw out little fibs to avoid conflict with their spouse. Have you ever done it or has your spouse ever fibbed?
Wednesday, February 6
Do You Share a Psychic Connection with Your Spouse?
In this article Courtney discusses how some couples have a special connection. She discusses her own relationship.
Who Takes Care of Business?
In most relationships there is one person who takes care of more business. In some cases it is the woman and in some cases it is the man. Who is it in your relationship?
Spouses and Psychic Connections – Part II
This is a continuation of Courtney’s first psychic article. She continues to discuss the connection that she has with Wayne.
Why Does He Get More Credit?
In many cases, women are expected to take care of the children and household chores without recognition. However when a man chips in he feels the need for praise.
Thursday, February 7
Does Your Guy Like Chick Flicks?
In this article Courtney discuss how some men enjoy chick flicks and others just pretend that they do not like them. She gives some discussion to the subject.
Dreams about People Other Than Your Mate
This article comments on a television show in which a character had a romantic dream about another man. Have you ever dreamed about someone else?
Friday, February 8
Wearing Your Ring after Divorce
Is it okay for someone to continue wearing their wedding ring after divorce? This article discusses what should happen to the ring once the marriage is over.
Engagement Break Ups
When an engagement goes bad, who gets the ring? This article offers different scenarios on what could happen.
Interviewing Sandra Worth on Marriage, Commuting, and Writing
In this article Courtney discusses her relationship with Sandra Worth and a brief history of how they met. She gives us a glimpse of who Sandra Worth really is.
His Commuting Led to Her Awards: An Interview with Author Sandra Worth
In this article, Courtney discusses her interview with Sandra Worth. You can read the questions that Courtney braved to ask and the answers that Worth gave.
Saturday, February 9
Can a Ring be Given Twice?
When the first engagement is broken off the man sometimes gets the ring back. This article questions if it is appropriate for him to give it away again.