There have been a wide range of topics discussed in marriage this week. The discussions have gone from prenups to weddings to divorce to enrichment to marriage in the news. Check out below, you are sure to find something that interest you!
Monday, June 2
What about Prenuptial Agreements?
This article takes a look into some basic information about prenuptial agreements. It also details a little of their history.
Pros of Prenuptial Agreements
In this article I offer some ways that a prenuptial agreement can have a positive impact on a marriage.
Concerns of Prenuptial Agreements
Here I take a look into some of the concerns that couples and society have when it comes to signing a prenuptial agreement.
Tuesday, June 3
Do You Regret Your Divorce?
After hearing a song on the radio, I began thinking about how sad it would be for both partners to regret the divorce. I offer some tips on how to handle your feelings.
Cutting Down Wedding Costs
In this article I offer some ideas and tips for cutting down on the costs of a wedding.
Cupcakes Instead of Wedding Cake?
The new trend in receptions is to offer guests cupcakes instead of the traditional wedding cake.
Wednesday, June 4
What is the Craziest Thing You’ve Ever Done after a Break-up?
Love and break-ups can cause people to do crazy things. This article begins taking a look into some of the things that people may do.
More Craziness after Break-ups
This article continues the crazy acts that some people carry out after breaking-up with a mate.
Couple Remarries after 58 Years
This was a very unique story that I found about a couple, a sex change, a divorce, and a reunion among the two.
Thursday, June 5
What Would Wake You Up to What’s Important?
In this article, Courtney gives a personal encounter of a dream that wakes her up out the marriage funk she has been in lately.
Friday, June 6
Enrichment Tip: Speak Out
This began my enrichment tip series. In this article I discuss how it is important to speak out about your needs and not play mind reader games with your spouse.
Enrichment Tip: Give Him a Guy’s Night
Every now and then your guy may need a night out. Even if he may not necessarily need one, the thought of you supporting one can help.
Saturday, June 7
Enrichment Tip: Identify and Accept His Faults
We all have faults. The sooner that you recognize and accept your mate’s faults, the sooner you can place more emphasis on the positive things.
Enrichment Tip: Brag on Him
There is no one that does not appreciate a kind word about them. Your mate is no different. Let others know how special he is to you.
In the News: Plan Ahead for a Beijing Wedding
In this article, Heather discusses how the Olympics has placed a new look on getting married in Beijing. She offers some great tips.
Enrichment Tip: Refrain from Score Keeping
Marriage is not a competition. There is no need to keep score with who did what. When both partners do their part the marriage is more successful.